International Yoga Day at MPVM 2017

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International Yoga Day at MPVM 2017 Maharshi Patanjali Vidya Mandir participated whole – heartedly on the International Yoga Day to promote the concept of a spiritually awakened healthy life. The yoga asanas were conducted according to the system of Ayush Mantralaya. Yoga is a part of the school curriculum and therefore the teachers and the students performed the various asanas with ease and dedication. The Yoga session was conducted by the sports teachers of the school Ms. Ritu Yadav. She enumerated the benefits of yogic meditation and breathing techniques. The one hour session enlightened everyone about the benefits of different asanas, hand mudras and the efficacy of word therapy, colour therapy and number therapy. The session began with a prayer, followed by mild stretching exercises to make the body ready for the different asanas. The session proceeded systematically with standing asanas like Tadasana, Vrikshasana, sitting asanas like Shashank asana, Vakra asana and lying asana like Bhujang asana (cobra pose), Salabh, Pawan Muktasana etc. After Pranayam, Kapalbhati and Meditation were also practiced. The session concluded with a pledge to practice and promote yoga for its wholesome benefits to the family, society and the country. The yoga session was conducted in the school field and even the gentle patter of raindrops did not deter the students and the teachers from completing all the asanas.

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