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Lokmanilal Awards

Shri Lokmanilal, the Founder President of MPVM believed that Education plays a pivotal role in moulding citizens, worthy of taking a nation to glorious heights. He held that schools should bring about holistic development of students under the able guidance of sincere and hardworking teachers. As a befitting tribute to Shri Lokmanilal, in 2011 on the occasion of the Silver Jubilee of MPVM, we constituted Lokmanilal Awards to be presented to teachers who have over the years continuously, sincerely and honestly been illuminating the lives of students through education, often even in the absence of due recognition. Lokmanilal Awards, by recognizing their exemplary achievements in the field of education, hopes to acknowledge their efforts and motivate them to continue their noble mission as well as inspire others to follow their footsteps.

MPVM Samiti has decided to make this an annual feature, so for the year 2023, nominations are invited from Teachers of government & non-government schools of CBSE, ISC & State Boards from all over India. These nominations would be considered for 5 different categories of awards namely :-

1. Excellence Award for life Time achievement (Rs 1,00,000/- cash award plus a citation & a trophy.)

2. Excellence Award for school teaching in Primary classes (Rs. 51,000/- cash award plus a citation & a trophy)

3. Excellence Award for school teaching in Secondary classes (Rs. 51,000/= cash award plus a citation & a trophy)

4. Excellence Award for teaching Economically under privileged children/women/Differently abled  (Rs.51,000/= cash award plus a citation & a trophy)

5. Excellence Award for teaching primary/upper primary/secondary classes in the rural areas (Rs.51,000/= cash award plus a citation & a trophy)


You can download forms on clicking on the following links:

Nomination Form
Hindi English
For Primary Classes Hindi English
For Secondary Classes Hindi English
For Life Time Achievement Hindi English
For Educating Economically Unpriviledged Children/Women/ Differently abled
Hindi English
For Teaching Primary/Secondary Class in Rural Areas Hindi
Invitation Letter Hindi English

Nobody knows yours teachers better than you do as the Director / Principal of the school, because you interact with them on a daily basis, knowing both their strengths & weaknesses. Hence, we would request your help in nominating teachers for each category from your school . In case, the nominee is the Principal herself/himself, the nominator shoud be the Management/ Director etc. The application and nominations forms may be downloaded from our schools' website www.mpvm.edu.in. Further details about the awards given in the past years also available on the website.

In the words of Lao Tzu;"A journey of thousand miles must begin with a single step". We have thus, already taken our first step in 2011. It would be a pleasure to continue our endeavor to honour some much-deserving teachers & with your help, we would be able to enrich the pool of candidates eligible for this prestigious award this year also. It is pertinent to inform that MPVM group of schools will not be competing for these awards. Kindly send the nominations before  30th october 2023.

Note : In order to download the forms in Hindi, your computer must have hindi fonts installed.

  1. Awardees of 2023
  2. Awardees of 2018
  3. Awardees of 2017 
  4. Awardees of 2016
  5. Awardees of 2015
  6. Awardees of 2014
  7. Awardees of 2013
  8. Awardees of 2012
  9. Awardees of 2011


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